Pic by me

Pic by me
a pic from my parents house

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hmm....me venting...

I really don't know why i made a blog. It is just going to make me sad when i don't get any comments. Oh well, you can't always get what you want in life.
It can be so hard to focus on the right things. I don't like it how i can get focused on something that makes me down. I try my hardiest to not focus on what i have been focusing on, but it is so hard! It is all around me, almost everywhere i look at college. I'm happy for others, yet why can't I be happy myself? I guess, well i know it is up to me whether i'm happy or not. It is up to me what i make of everything that comes my way.
Today i talked to a person in my one class, and another person in my next class. That simple act made things so much more better, happier, and enjoyable. I actually smiled on the outside! I smile on the inside mostly (thanks to my mom, for the fact that if I don't smile I can looked like i'm pissed off I still love you with all my heart though!). I came home, and finally started talking to one of my best friends, and then I kinda stopped smiling. I don't have a reason for why that is. I wish I did. Maybe i do, but i just don't want to share it.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Hmmm, i did the right thing, right?? :/

So i walk out of my room, to go do some dishes, and first thing i smell, is the smell of burnt pot. First thought that came to my mind was: "not again".
One of my roomates smokes pot, i smelt it last friday. I almost called the police, but i decided i would talk to him first. But i did call managment, to see what they could do, of course i got no answer.. so i just talked to some friends and my brother about it. I had never smelt pot before, but now i know what at least one "form" of it smells like. It just bugs me that he has no respect for me, and my other roomates. I don't care that he smokes it, i just don't want him to smoke it here.
Today i talked to my roomate shane about it. He said that he told "my roomate" last semester that "i don't care if you party here, just don't smoke pot here and clean up when your done". Well he never stopped sucking on that thing he thinks makes his life awesome.
After i got done talking to my roomate, i went into my room and called the police, not 911, but the dispatch (i don't know if it is the same thing). They can't do anything, unless he is here, and gets caught in the act.... i was like awesome.... not..., but thanked them for their help. and hung up.
After that, i thought " what to do now?? i don't want to have to put up with this, in a place where i need to be able to feel at home". I decided to call managment. I didn't get the head person, but i told the person what was up. He took down some info of which building i am in, and my number and said he will have Tanner call me tomorrow.
I know i did the right thing, but i kinda feel like a jerk. I hope everything works out for the best.... i really do....

Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Sunday Morning. . . that has changed me for forever. . .

I woke up this morning, figuring it would just be another morning. Before i went and hopped into the shower, i opened up my laptop and got on facebook. I saw that my best friend had posted a musice video of a song called: "By My Side" by Tenth Avenue North. I though "hey, maybe i should listen to that". I knew it would be a good song because my friend has good taste in music, but i didn't know how amazing her taste in music was until, after my shower, i listened to that song. Imediately i fell in love with it. After that i listened to two of her favorite songs tha she had sent me in a text last night, and told me to listen to them. They are: "Smile" by Uncle Kracker, and "Hey, Soul Sister" by Train. The feeling i got after listening to these 3 songs was undescribable. I wanted to hear more songs by Tenth Avenue North, and i listened to about 6 other songs. They all were amazing, but i think my favs are: "By My Side", "Beloved" and "Satisfy".
After my unforgetable experience with finding new artist or groups that i have fallen in love with, i read my scriptures and decided to read my Patriarchal Blessing. Not to many times when i have read before i could stay focused while reading my blessing, and this time i could. I saw things with a different view. Things seem to make more sense, and i knew some things that i had been worrying about in my life will be fine if i just have faith in God. I couldn't have asked for more comfort, to know that even when i screw up, or make sight mistakes, i can repent, and still know that my god, our god, will always and for forever love us. I didn't think this morning could get much better really, i kinda figured that this would pretty much be the high light of my morning at least. Then i was thrown another curve ball. . .
I started to read some more of my friend Kaitlyns Blog, and i totally just enjoyed it. I got to see some of her adventurous experience she has been through in this past year, 2009. I just absolutely enjoyed it. Thanks to her, i made this blog, and because of her, i hope i can share my experience and new memories i will make in the near future with all of you. . . I hope you all enjoy!!

This is epic! My very first post ever!

My best friend has a blog, and i was never interested in them until she let me start reading hers. Now i kinda adore them. I can see that they can be a ton of fun, and i'm very excited. More post will be coming very soon!!! :)