Pic by me

Pic by me
a pic from my parents house

Monday, January 25, 2010

Hmmm, i did the right thing, right?? :/

So i walk out of my room, to go do some dishes, and first thing i smell, is the smell of burnt pot. First thought that came to my mind was: "not again".
One of my roomates smokes pot, i smelt it last friday. I almost called the police, but i decided i would talk to him first. But i did call managment, to see what they could do, of course i got no answer.. so i just talked to some friends and my brother about it. I had never smelt pot before, but now i know what at least one "form" of it smells like. It just bugs me that he has no respect for me, and my other roomates. I don't care that he smokes it, i just don't want him to smoke it here.
Today i talked to my roomate shane about it. He said that he told "my roomate" last semester that "i don't care if you party here, just don't smoke pot here and clean up when your done". Well he never stopped sucking on that thing he thinks makes his life awesome.
After i got done talking to my roomate, i went into my room and called the police, not 911, but the dispatch (i don't know if it is the same thing). They can't do anything, unless he is here, and gets caught in the act.... i was like awesome.... not..., but thanked them for their help. and hung up.
After that, i thought " what to do now?? i don't want to have to put up with this, in a place where i need to be able to feel at home". I decided to call managment. I didn't get the head person, but i told the person what was up. He took down some info of which building i am in, and my number and said he will have Tanner call me tomorrow.
I know i did the right thing, but i kinda feel like a jerk. I hope everything works out for the best.... i really do....

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