Pic by me

Pic by me
a pic from my parents house

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hmm....me venting...

I really don't know why i made a blog. It is just going to make me sad when i don't get any comments. Oh well, you can't always get what you want in life.
It can be so hard to focus on the right things. I don't like it how i can get focused on something that makes me down. I try my hardiest to not focus on what i have been focusing on, but it is so hard! It is all around me, almost everywhere i look at college. I'm happy for others, yet why can't I be happy myself? I guess, well i know it is up to me whether i'm happy or not. It is up to me what i make of everything that comes my way.
Today i talked to a person in my one class, and another person in my next class. That simple act made things so much more better, happier, and enjoyable. I actually smiled on the outside! I smile on the inside mostly (thanks to my mom, for the fact that if I don't smile I can looked like i'm pissed off I still love you with all my heart though!). I came home, and finally started talking to one of my best friends, and then I kinda stopped smiling. I don't have a reason for why that is. I wish I did. Maybe i do, but i just don't want to share it.

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