Pic by me

Pic by me
a pic from my parents house

Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Sunday Morning. . . that has changed me for forever. . .

I woke up this morning, figuring it would just be another morning. Before i went and hopped into the shower, i opened up my laptop and got on facebook. I saw that my best friend had posted a musice video of a song called: "By My Side" by Tenth Avenue North. I though "hey, maybe i should listen to that". I knew it would be a good song because my friend has good taste in music, but i didn't know how amazing her taste in music was until, after my shower, i listened to that song. Imediately i fell in love with it. After that i listened to two of her favorite songs tha she had sent me in a text last night, and told me to listen to them. They are: "Smile" by Uncle Kracker, and "Hey, Soul Sister" by Train. The feeling i got after listening to these 3 songs was undescribable. I wanted to hear more songs by Tenth Avenue North, and i listened to about 6 other songs. They all were amazing, but i think my favs are: "By My Side", "Beloved" and "Satisfy".
After my unforgetable experience with finding new artist or groups that i have fallen in love with, i read my scriptures and decided to read my Patriarchal Blessing. Not to many times when i have read before i could stay focused while reading my blessing, and this time i could. I saw things with a different view. Things seem to make more sense, and i knew some things that i had been worrying about in my life will be fine if i just have faith in God. I couldn't have asked for more comfort, to know that even when i screw up, or make sight mistakes, i can repent, and still know that my god, our god, will always and for forever love us. I didn't think this morning could get much better really, i kinda figured that this would pretty much be the high light of my morning at least. Then i was thrown another curve ball. . .
I started to read some more of my friend Kaitlyns Blog, and i totally just enjoyed it. I got to see some of her adventurous experience she has been through in this past year, 2009. I just absolutely enjoyed it. Thanks to her, i made this blog, and because of her, i hope i can share my experience and new memories i will make in the near future with all of you. . . I hope you all enjoy!!

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